Devil's Claw , 100g
Dried Devil's Claw Cut is said to reduce inflammation in the joints and be helpful in treating arthritis (especially osteoarthritis of the knee and hip), backache, and muscle stiffness.
Devil's claw uses and benefits
- Effective in the treatment of chronic back pain after at least 4 weeks of treatment
- Aids in combating liver, kidney and gallbladder disorders
- As a painkiller and anti-inflammatory (said to be just as effective as pharmaceutical drugs for pain and inflammation, such as phenylbutazone)
- Helps in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism
- Stimulates digestion
- Helps to combat allergies
- Often used to assist in the treatment of diabetes
- Assists in reduces build-up of uric acid
- Can be used as a topical treatment for, skin problems, ulcers and wounds
- For horses: used as an anti-inflammatory and painkiller